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Close Shop can be closed individually Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 29 January 2014 / Time: 12:00 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #320 URL

Shop can be closed individually between PC Site and Smartphone site.
Go to [Shop Manager] > [Design Control] > [Shop Status], and select 'Close' for each site.

If you access your shopping site through Shop Manager after closing your website,
you can go through the shopping cart before account verified.

Please view smartphone site through Shop Manager, clicking 'Shop Preview' button
on [Smartphone Site Control] screen.

Close Notice of Price Increase Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 21 January 2014 / Time: 10:12 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #319 URL

Dear Valued Ochanoko-net Customer,

We plan price increase on Ochanoko-net service scheduled
to take effect on March 21, 2014.
All payments processed after March 21 will be subject of new prices.

Starting: March 21, 2014

<Economy Package (OCNK Domain Plan)>
PC Site service will be JPY 540 per month
Smartphone Site service will be JPY 540 per month

<Standard Package (Private Domain Plan)>
PC Site service will be JPY 2,160 per month
Smartphone Site service will be JPY 1,080 per month

○Domain Fee
Setting Fee will be JPY 6,480
Domain Annual Fee will be JPY 3,240

○Item Addition (for Standard Package)
up to 10,000 items will be JPY 1,080
up to 15,000 items will be JPY 2,160
up to 20,000 items will be JPY 3,240
up to 15,000 items will be JPY 4,320
up to 30,000 items will be JPY 5,400

Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
We are looking forward to your continuing patronage despite this increase.

Close About tracking number Contributor: Steven / Date: 08 January 2014 / Time: 14:49 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #317 URL

I just tried to fill tracking number for an order, it's under "Sender/Recipient : 1 " of order detail page and I use "Change Sender/Recipient" button to do the change.
I firstly fill the tracking number like "0681066302" in the field and click "View Entry" button. In next page, I then click "Complete Setting" button to confirm the change. But it seems go back to previous page and ask me to view entry again.
I go back to order detail to check if the change is applied. But found the tracking number field is still empty.

Is there a certain rule for this field or any restriction on it?

Many thanks.

Re Editing Tracking Number Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 14 January 2014 / Time: 17:28 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #318 URL

Sorry for this belated reply.

We found system error occurred, and we have just fixed it.
Please try it again.

We apologize for causing you such an inconvenience.

Close New embedded tag added to Metatags (Each Page) Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 14 November 2013 / Time: 13:54 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #316 URL

A new tag of {SearchKeyword} is available in the Search Result Page field on [Metatags (Each Page)].

This tag is useful to avoid duplicate content penalty on the Google Webmaster Tools.

Close How to hidden the text shop name Contributor: allib / Date: 15 October 2013 / Time: 17:46 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #312 URL

As title. thanks.

Re Hide the text shop name Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 15 October 2013 / Time: 18:16 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #313 URL

To hide the text shop name, please edit CSS.

Go to [Shop Manager] > [Design Control] > [CSS].
Copy the following and paste it at the bottom of the Style Sheet field.

.shoptext {
visibility: hidden;

Re CSS Contributor: allib / Date: 16 October 2013 / Time: 10:15 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #314 URL

Hi, thank you for your rapid reply.

I pasted the CSS on the bottom of the style sheet.
On the preview page, it look success.
Once I clicked complete setting, nothing change.


Re Change on your page Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 16 October 2013 / Time: 13:09 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #315 URL

I checked your page and confirmed your shop name undisplayed.

If you cannot see it, you might view cache left in you PC.
Please clean the cache or use another browser, and try again.

Close [Improvement] Message on the purchase completion page can be edited Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 26 September 2013 / Time: 16:05 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #311 URL

The message was fixed on the purchase completion page but gets editable now.

Go to [Shop Manager] > [Advanced Settings] > [Cart Settings].
Edit the message in the Purchase Completion Page box.
HTML tags are available here.

Close About Fee function Contributor: Steven / Date: 18 September 2013 / Time: 19:52 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #309 URL


Is it possible to add a function in Item then Shop Owner can specify the Fee percentage for certain Payment method, like Paypal or others?

Or can this function be added to the payment method then shop owner can specify a overall fee percentage for this method?

Many thanks.

Re About fee function Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 19 September 2013 / Time: 09:53 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #310 URL

Hi, Steven san,

If you wish to have your customers bear the expense of credit card transaction fee,
Ochanoko has no function to add that fee in the shopping cart.

Unfortunately, we have no plan to add such a function currently.

Close Free-dsigned page can be edited more freely Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 05 September 2013 / Time: 16:04 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #308 URL

You can edit content between <body> and </body> not depending on template.

Go to [Shop Manager] > [Content/Page Control] > [Free-design Page].
On the Edit Free-Design Pages page, select an option in the Design field.
View the example clicking Display Sample.

Close Search function is available on Free-Design Page Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 05 September 2013 / Time: 16:03 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #307 URL

Free page can be searched by, title and page number, which is shown at the end of free-design page url
on [Shop Manager] > [Content/Page Control] > [Free-design Page].

Close Free-design page can be moved from next to BBS on the left menu Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 05 September 2013 / Time: 16:01 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #306 URL

Free-design page was fixed next to BBS on the left menu,
but it can be moved separately from BBS.
This is enabled only on PC site.

Go to [Shop Manager] > [Design Control] > [Page Layout],
and change the number in the Order field to move.

If you put the same number as the BBS block for Free-design Pages,
Free-design page will be shown under BBS with no space.
If you put different number, a space is inserted above Free-design Pages.

Close How to edit the Shopping Guide? Contributor: Herve / Date: 18 August 2013 / Time: 23:41 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #304 URL

Hello Kawakata san,

I want to edit the Shopping Guide and change the 1~5
I found this answer by ochanoko-Gyoubu No.11855
on the Japanese BBS

I understood I can only "undisplay" the 1~5 part, and not edit it.

But was not able to perform the change as explained in Japanese.

I did not understand where to paste this:

.help_page_1 .page_sub2_top,

.help_page_1 .guide_text {

display: none;



Could you help me with that?

Dozo Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

Re Edit Shopping Guide Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 19 August 2013 / Time: 10:48 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #305 URL

Hello Herve san,

To have 'How to Shop' undisplayed on Shopping Guide,
please go to [Shop Manager] > [Design Control] > [CSS], and
paste the following designation at the bottom of the Style Sheet field.

.help_page_1 .page_sub2_top,
.help_page_1 .guide_text {
display: none;

Please do not fail to enter a new template name to save the edited CSS.

Close Groups Setting Contributor: Tony / Date: 30 July 2013 / Time: 15:08 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #301 URL

Dear Ochanoko - Kawakata san,

I think Ochanoko can improve the Groups Control setting better.
- Right now, in case you have a large number of groups, it really takes time to search for a group in the list of groups.
Can you make the Search function to search for a group in the list?
- I am wondering if the Group setting and Categories Setting can work as the New Items or Recommendations Setting, so it will be easier and faster to add or remove many items to a group.
Just my thinking to improve Ochanoko better.

Re Group settings Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 31 July 2013 / Time: 15:08 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #302 URL

Dear Tony san,

Thank you for your suggestions.

<Group search function>
We will add a search function to Group setting page.
However, we have some urgent matters now, and please give us some time to make a start.

We quickly increased a number of groups on one page from 20 to 50.
This must help you search a group using Ctrl+F on your browser.

<Add an item to category and group>
On Ochanoko-net, an item must belong to a category but cannot to multiple categories.
If you change a category, you must operate on an item registration page.
Categories and groups are similar functions and basically work in the same way.

'New items and recommended items' and 'Categories and groups' have different purposes.
New items and recommended items are added element, and
categories and groups are basic attributes of an item

Re Groups Setting Contributor: Tony / Date: 01 August 2013 / Time: 12:17 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #303 URL

Thank you so much Ochanoko - Kawakata san,

The idea of increasing from 20 to 50 items in the Group list is really nice. We can use Ctrl F to search for a group.
This is exactly what customers need at this moment.
Always the best service and support!!!


Close Smartphone site greatly improved Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 30 July 2013 / Time: 13:32 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #300 URL

Home and item pages of smartphone site were greatly improved.

- Home
You can put item images on the front page and activate slide show.

1. Go to [Shop Manager] > [Smartphone Site Control] > [Page Layout].
2. To activate slide show, select 'Yes' for Enable Slide Show after displaying items.
This setting is available for New Items and Recommended Items.

- Item List Page
You can put 2 or 3 items in a row on an item list.

1. Go to [Shop Manager] > [Smartphone Site Control] > [Item List/Item Information Page].
2. In Items List Page, make settings in the Item Display box.
If you select 'Do not allow to switch display', customers cannot switch display between 'with details' and 'Images only.

For Thumbnail, we recommend that you select 'Square off' or 'Cut central part square'.
'Do not edit' may slow down customers' PC.

- Item Information Page
You can enable slide show to show main images on an item information page.

[Main Image]
1. Go to [Shop Manager] > [Smartphone Site Control] > [Item List/Item Information Page].
2. To activate slide show, select Slide main images in the Main Image field in Items List Page.
Color code for blank space is shared with Items List Page. You cannot select it here separately.

[Related Items]
1. Go to [Shop Manager] > [Smartphone Site Control] > [Item List/Item Information Page].
2. To activate slide show, make selections in the Related Items field in Item Information Page.
Related items shows in the shopping cart only if 'Activate slideshow in the Your Shopping Cart page' is selected.

Close I found the solution... Contributor: Hervé / Date: 22 July 2013 / Time: 22:45 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #297 URL

Ochanoko Sama,

Please ignore my last posts about Bold fonts and Tables, I found the solution.


Close About these shipping prices tables... Contributor: Hervé / Date: 22 July 2013 / Time: 20:45 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #296 URL

Thank you very much for your answer.
If it is HTML language, it's not for me, not yet at least…
I won't even try.

But what about these Shipping prices tables that don't blur when one zooms on it? (My message #293)
If it is not HTML, you don't need to explain, but if you had a link to a page or some keywords (even in Japanese, I should be able to understand…), that would help me a lot.
Right now, I don't even know which keyword to use for a Google search on the subject so I could judge if I will be able or not to do the same by myself.
Thank you very much.

Re Shipping cost table Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 23 July 2013 / Time: 10:07 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #298 URL

I'm sorry for having missed your message no.293.

If you use the delivery charge setting, a shipping cost table appears automatically on Shopping Guide.

Go to [Shop Manager] > [Advanced Settings] > [Delivery Charges].
Click 'Set Delivery Charge' button to open the setting page.
Select 'Delivery Charge by Weight' and fill in the segment table in the Custom Method field.
If you wish to set the shipping cost using size, measure must be 'size' and unit may be 'cm'.

Click Change at the bottom of the page, and enter shipping cost by prefecture.
Only if Japanese selected in the language setting, shipping cost can be set by prefecture.

Re Thank you ! Contributor: Hervé / Date: 23 July 2013 / Time: 12:28 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #299 URL

Thank you very much!
That was very helpful!

Close Bold fonts ? Contributor: Hervé / Date: 22 July 2013 / Time: 15:09 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #294 URL

Ochanoko Sama,

Sorry, one more "stupid" question...

How to make bold fonts ?
Like here:

Sorry, I could't find the answer by myself...

Re Bold fonts Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 22 July 2013 / Time: 18:17 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #295 URL

Hervé sama,

Do you wish to make a part of text into bold fonts?
In that case, please edit it using html tags in the fields with 'html available' icon.

We are sorry, but html writing is outside the scope of our support.

Close How are they able to do that? Contributor: Hervé / Date: 22 July 2013 / Time: 14:26 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #293 URL

Hello Ochanoko Sama,

I would like to ask another "beginner question".
On my shop site I am trying to build, I used a picture to show the shipping prices.
But the problem is the picture blurs when one zooms on it.

Here on another ochanoko site, I see some shipping prices with no blur even when one zooms on it.
How are they able to do that?

Sorry for wasting your time...

Close You can change display order of payment methods Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 18 July 2013 / Time: 15:56 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #292 URL

The display order of payment methods was fixed, but you can change it now.

To change the display order, go to [Shop Manager] > [Advanced Settings] > [Payment Methods].
Click 'Up' and 'Down' buttons in the Operation box.

This setting will be reflected in shopping cart the 'Shopping Guide' and 'Terms and Conditions'.

Close Maximum payment amount can be set to each payment method Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 18 July 2013 / Time: 15:56 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #291 URL

If purchase amount exceeds the amount you set, the payment method will not appear in the shopping cart.

To set the maximum amount, go to [Shop Manager] > [Advanced Settings] > [Payment Methods], and click the Set Payment Method button.
Enter the maximum amount in Maximum Payment Amount.
Please note that point discount and coupon discount will be ignored.

This setting is disabled for Checkout by Amazon.

Close Customer account in my shop ? Contributor: Hervé / Date: 17 July 2013 / Time: 13:00 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #289 URL

Hello Ochanoko sama,

Is it technically possible to set up my Ochanoko online shop :

- 1- in a way that my customers can send me money with PayPal independently from an order, this to open an 'account' in my shop (in my shop computer but maybe not in my Ochanoko online Shop) ?
- 2 - in a way that my customers can send me an order without paying, because their money will already be in my Paypal account?
- 3 - If your answer to my 2 first questions is 'Yes', then is it technically possible to set up my Ochanoko online shop in a way that my online shop doesn't accept an order from a customer if his account is empty or less than 'X' yens?

Below is an explanation why I am asking these questions:

My business model is a little different than most online shops.
It's an online shopping SERVICE.
I want to sent vegetables, fruits and groceries from some farmer's market in Kyushu to foreign customers in the Kanto area, and I will go to shop for them.
But instead of having my customers to pay when they order online, I want them to open an 'account' in my shop with ¥10 000 or more (using PayPal or bank transfer), and I will deduct the groceries cost, shipping and shopping fee from their account. This method is for practical reasons, because it is very difficult to know exactly which vegetables will actually be available that day, and for what price, before I actually go to the farmers market to shop for my customers. Furthermore, the Japanese Post office Yu-Pack package size, price and shipping cost I'll use will depend on the amount of vegetables I'll buy that day.
There are too many price influencing variables I won't know before I actually send a package to my customers. This is why I want my customers to open an account first so I can deduct the shopping and shipping cost from their account.

Sorry for these 'beginner level' questions and my poor english skills, I am not an english native speaker…


Re Customers Account and Items with no price Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 18 July 2013 / Time: 15:53 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #290 URL

Hello Hervé,

If you use PayPal online billing, you can receive payment through PayPal not using the shopping cart.
Please refer to the following page.

Otherwise, if you create an item for 10000 yen, customers can add it to cart to pay through PayPal.

However, if price for other items are not fixed, it is impossible for customers to add your itemsto cart on your shop.
The price must be entered on Shop Manager for items on sale.

Concerning the shipping cost, you can inform your customer of the definite shipping cost later.
The total amount is not fixed in the shopping cart, and you cannot use existing PayPal.
In this case, please create a new payment method to accept payment through PayPal online billing.

New post


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