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Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 02 October 2014 / Time: 15:03 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #341 URL

Editable question fields have been improved.

Closed-ended questions and text in multiline became available in inquiry form, registration form and shopping cart.

See the details in the following pages.

Inquiry form

Registration form

Shopping cart

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 28 August 2014 / Time: 11:19 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #340 URL

Range designation tags became available in the introduction line field.

The content in chatch line field is displayed in common between on XHTML template and on HTML5 template.
If you change an template between XHTML and HTML5, the content in the catch line field may be disorganized on the shopping site.

To avoid this, we add new tags to switch the content if you change a template.

The content between {Html5Templete} and {/Html5Templete} is displayed if an HTML5 template selected in [Design Templates].
The content between {XhtmlTemplete} and {/XhtmlTemplete} is displayed if an XHTML template selected in [Design Templates].

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 27 August 2014 / Time: 11:43 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #339 URL

LINE It button is available in the product description page.
This button appears on iOS and Android.

For PC site, go to [Shop Manager] > [Design Control] > [Item Description Page Settings].
Choose Display in the LINE it! button field.
*The setting is available in [Design Control] if an HTML5 template selected.

For Smartphone site, go to [Shop Manager] > [Smartphone Site Control] > [Item List/Item Information Page].
Choose Display in the LINE it! button field.

Line It button

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 19 August 2014 / Time: 15:26 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #338 URL

The text about points in a point description page can be edited.

Go to [Shop Manager] > [Design Control] > [Item Description Page Settings].
Edit text in the About points field.

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 04 August 2014 / Time: 11:32 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #337 URL

Point system has been improved not to give purchase points to a specified product.

You can exclude a specified product from the target of purchase point now
Additionally, extra points can be given to a specified product.

Please see the following page for details.

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 31 July 2014 / Time: 09:54 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #336 URL

FadeIn FadeOut effect became available in addition to horizontal slide in the following images.
This function shows if HTML5 template chosen.

・Top image
・Main image in product description page

For Top Image, please set in [Design Control] > [Layout / Images / Comments].
Open Top Image in Main Column and choose FadeIn FadeOut to activate this function.

For Main Image of a product, go to [Design Control] > [Item Description Page Settings].
Open all detailed setting fields above the setting field and choose FadeIn FadeOut in the Image switching field.

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 09 July 2014 / Time: 13:57 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #335 URL

Image displayed for items on Terms & Conditions improved.

If you display image for items such as phone number and email address in Terms & Conditions,
transparent background became available instead of white background.

Go to [Shop Manager] > [Basic Settings] > [Terms & Conditions].

The Automatic Generated Image Setting box is added at the bottom.
Choose 'Transparent background (PNG)', and color selection field for text opens.
Click ▼ to open color picker, and choose a color for text.

These settings are applied to the items where 'Display Image' is selected.

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 07 July 2014 / Time: 14:48 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #334 URL

Products belonging to New Arrivals and Recommended Products are searched before CSV file downloaded.

Go to [Shop Manager] > [Inventory] > [Import/Export].
New Arrivals and Recommended Products are added to options in Download CSV File box.
Please put a check to choose an option and click the Download button to download a CSV file.

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 03 July 2014 / Time: 15:26 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #333 URL

IP address is added to elements of blacklist.

Go to [Basic Settings] > [Black List] and enter IP address if needed.

Please note that IP address is variable.
White IP address might be judged as black IP address if it was assigned to another user.
Check the actual purchaser information when handling your order.

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 02 July 2014 / Time: 09:09 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #332 URL

Questions and answers in member registration form is added to a CSV file.

You can download them with member information on [Shop Manager] > [Order Control] > [Member information].
Please put a check in 'Include questions and answers' and the Download All Member Information button.

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 25 June 2014 / Time: 14:23 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #331 URL

You can now designate target products and Except products from target of a coupon code.
Free shipping coupon is also available.

1. Go to [Shop Manager] > [Advanced Settings] > [Coupon System].
2. Click the Create Coupon button to open the setting page.
3. Enter coupon code name and choose a coupon type between Discount Coupon and Free Shipping Coupon.
4. Setting fields open. Fill in the field and click the Complete Setting button.
If you choose Discount Coupon, you can designate up to 10 products, 1 category or 1 group.

Close How to change Top Image under HTML5 Contributor: Steven / Date: 14 June 2014 / Time: 22:07 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #329 URL

I am testing HTML5 page but fail to change the Top Image I want even though I have specified the "linked URL" under "Layout / Images / Comments".
Can you help check the problem?

Many thanks.

Re The issue is resolved Contributor: Steven / Date: 15 June 2014 / Time: 17:36 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #330 URL

I found the correct setting.

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 10 June 2014 / Time: 11:17 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #328 URL

Upgraded templates of HTML5 design became available today.

Website shows in 980 pixels wide and page layout was greatly upgraded.
Additionally new pages and functions were added to this new template.

Please try new template on [Shop Manager] > [Design Control] > [Template].
If you use migration mode, you can set up on HTML5 template while keeping your shopping site open on a current template.

After choosing an HTML5 template, lay out a front page on [Shop Manager] > [Design Control] > [Layout / Images / Comments].

Feature page for HTML5 design template

HTML5 design template list

Example shopping site

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 17 April 2014 / Time: 13:44 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #327 URL

Shopping guide becomes editable using free free space, and articles to show can be selected.

Go to [Shop Manager] > [Basic Settings] > [Shopping Guide].
Choose display status on Display on Shopping Guide list.

Article of Payment Method is created automatically based on your settings of payment methods.
Recommended Terminal Spec always shows on PC site and Smartphone site.

If you choose 'Display prepared description', fixed message will be displayed.
If you choose 'Create original content', you must edit your content in Free Space.

Additional Comment in How to show will be displayed in addition to the usual content.

All of 'Note on Shopping Guide' fields and description of icon fields were moved to this page.

Close PayPal seller protection option added Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 10 April 2014 / Time: 10:26 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #326 URL

To make the shipment eligible for PayPal Seller Protection program,
we added an option in [Advanced Settings] > [Payment Methods: PayPal].

To activate this option, check the box of 'Use the Seller Protection'.
The first recipient address is sent to PayPal.
If you accept a multiple recipient order, please note this point.

The conditions of this program differ by countries.
Please contact PayPal for detailed information.

Close Free Space added to Bank Transfer field Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 25 March 2014 / Time: 13:10 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #325 URL

Free space become available for each bank account setting field
in [Payment Methods] > Bank Transfer.

This free space will appear in the following pages.
- Shopping Guide
- Payment page in shopping cart
- Order confirmation email (auto-reply)
- Email sent through email management

Close Marks for number of repeat purchases improved Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 20 February 2014 / Time: 14:21 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #324 URL

Repeat purchases was counted up to 5 times, and more than 6 times showed as a star mark.

This count was improved, and numbers show after 6 times now.
This improvement is applied to filter on order list, member list and CSV file.

Close Anti-spam function on BBS improved Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 18 February 2014 / Time: 13:16 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #323 URL

Anti-spam function is changed from easy calculation to image verification.
Users must type the characters shown in the picture before post a message.

Close Notes on Shopping improved Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 18 February 2014 / Time: 13:15 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #322 URL

You can show Notes on Shopping after sign-in.

Notes on Shopping appeared for new customers in the registration form and
customer information entry page before sign-in.

To show Notes on Shopping for returned customers, please select 'Display'
in the Notes on Shopping field on [Shop Manager] > [Basic Settings] > [Customer Info Entry Page].
This function will be active if 'Use' Note on Shopping is selected.

Close You can remove 'Add to Cart' button without changing a template Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 29 January 2014 / Time: 12:00 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #321 URL

If you hided 'Add to Cart' button of all items, you had to change a template.

Now, you can hide all 'Add to Cart' button without changing a template.

Go to [Shop Manager] > [Design Control] > [Shop Status].
Select 'Hide' in the Shopping Cart field.

You can select this option between PC Site and Smartphone Site separately.

If you wish to hid 'Add to Cart' button selecting an item, please set it on the item registration page.

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* Image must be 500kb or less and in .jpg, .png, or .gif format.
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