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Close The same content can be displayed in every item information page Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 23 August 2010 / Time: 18:36 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #123 URL

You can display the same content in every item information page now. Html tags are available in this field.

1. Go to [Shop Manager] > [Design Control] > [Item List/Item Information Page].
2. In the Set Item Information Page, select the display position in the Display Position in Free Space field,
and enter the information in the Free Space field.

Check the display position, clicking the link of Page Sample.

Close The same content can be displayed in every item list page Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 23 August 2010 / Time: 18:34 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #122 URL

You can display the same content in every item list page now. Html tags are available in this field.

1. Go to [Shop Manager] > [Design Control] > [Item List/Item Information Page].
2. In the Set List of Items box, select the display position in the Display Position in Free Space field,
and enter the information in the Free Space field.

Check the display position, clicking the link of Page Sample.
* This will reflect in the item list page for Categories, Pick Up, and the search result page.

Close Delete items in Bulk registration Contributor: Ken / Date: 21 August 2010 / Time: 01:23 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #119 URL

can you add function in bullk registration to delete item by indicating 1 in field?

is there a way I can delete items in bulk?


Re How to delete items in bulk registration Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 23 August 2010 / Time: 13:51 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #121 URL

You can delete items using CSV file.

Kindly enter 1 in the Delete box (AG), save the file selecting CSV (Comma-Separated Value),
and upload the csv file in [Commodity Control] > [Bulk Registration/Change].

Close The Google search was introduced into the shopping page Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 28 June 2010 / Time: 15:49 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #118 URL

To use the Google search in the shopping page, go to [Shop Manager] > [Design Control] > [Page Layout].
Select Google Search in the Item Search box in the Display Settings for Front Page.

* Note *
If you use the Google search, kindly note the followings.
The result page will be displayed in the Google site.
The search result will be controlled by the Google, and we cannot adjust it.
The item information will not be updated in real time.

Additionally, following functions were improved.
* In the search result page, (Sort by) recommendations and hot seller were added.
* In the Item List by category and by group, (Sort by) price in descending order was added.
The default option was changed to "Please select".

Close Tax rate setting was improved Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 15 June 2010 / Time: 15:19 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #117 URL

Tax rate setting was improved

If the recipient's address is USA and Canada, the different tax rates can be set from state to state.

To set different tax rates among states in USA and Canada, go to [Basic Settings] > [Tax Rate].
If you select a country, the State/Province box will appear. Select a state, and set the tax.

If your customer register the address of USA and Canada for the sender and recipient address,
the error message will appear and the state selection will be required in next purchase.

Additionally, the tax rate can be set to 4 places of decimal point.
You can enter from 0 to 99.9999 in the tax rate box.

Close Free space is available in the inquiry form now Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 22 April 2010 / Time: 15:02 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #116 URL

You can insert your message in the inquiry form.

To enter your message, go to [Shop Manage] > [Advanced Settings] > [Inquiry Form].
Enter your message in the Message field and click the Complete Setting button.

Close 2 column display is available now Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 20 April 2010 / Time: 13:48 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #115 URL

You can display your shopping page in 2 columns.

To select 2 column display, go to [Design Control] > [Page Layout],
and select 2 columns in the Column Settings.


* If you change your display from 3 columns to 2 columns,
the contents in right column will temporarily be undisplayed.
Change the display position for the contents undisplayed
to Left or Center in the Setting for Each Column in [Page Layout] page.

* If you move the images the right column to the left column, kindly
change the image url to https://account id.ocnk.net/***.

* The numbers of images in the front page and the items list page are
different between 3 column display and 2 column display. See the
following page.


Close New option service for the private domain plan users Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 16 April 2010 / Time: 10:20 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #114 URL

If you use the private domain plan, you can select an option to register more items.
You can upload up to 30000 items, though the usual number of items to upload is 5000.

For pricing, refer to the following page.

To apply for this option, make sure that you use the standard plan with private domain name.

Go to [Shop Manager] > [Basic Settings] > [View/Change Contract Details].
Click the Change Payment Method/Plan button.
Select an your desired option in the Item Addition in the Change of Plan box.

Close korea beauty house Contributor: garen / Date: 27 February 2010 / Time: 17:44 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #112 URL

Hi when i try to make a purchase and proceed to check out.. it actually show this massage (Your shopping cart is empty.

If you are unable to add an item to your shopping cart, cookies may not be enabled. Please check your internet browser settings. If a virus scan software is installed on your PC, please disable it temporarily.)

and i try clicking continue shopping it actually divert me to (http://koreabeautyhouse.ocnk.biz/product-list/1) instead of (http://www.koreabeautyhouse.com/)

could you pls help asap thanks.

Re url in the shopping cart Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 03 March 2010 / Time: 10:59 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #113 URL

As we mentioned in the following page;

the pages secured by SSL, such as shopping cart, inquiry form and the registration form are displayed
under the ocnk.biz domain even if you use the private domain plan.

Unfortunately, we cannot change this specification, and we hope that you kindly accept our condition.

Close Shopping guide Contributor: ayuminimax / Date: 10 February 2010 / Time: 09:04 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #110 URL

I would like to add an image file on the " Shopping Guide: section.
I tried with HTML but it didn't work...
The image size is smaller than 200 KB.

Please tell me how to program.

Thank you.

Re Image in the shopping guide Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 17 February 2010 / Time: 11:32 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #111 URL

If you select "Undisplay" in the Status box, the text or image entered in the Message in the Shopping Flow are not displayed.
To display image in the shopping flow box, select "Display first".

Then upload the image in the Imaage Manager and write html in the Massage in the Shopping Flow box.
Please note that html writing is out of scope of our support.

Close Paypal additional 5% charge Contributor: Makamasa / Date: 03 February 2010 / Time: 12:26 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #108 URL

Paypal requires 5% additional charge of TOTAL amount, how can I set this automatically?

Re PayPal transaction fee Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 08 February 2010 / Time: 17:01 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #109 URL

Unfortunately, you can only charge the total amount in the shopping cart,
and cannot add some charge to it.

To charge different amount from the total amount,
kindly use the Email Payment whichi is provided by PayPal.

Close Order list and order detail page were improved Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 02 February 2010 / Time: 15:28 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #107 URL

The followings were improved in [Order Control] > [Orders].

▼The bulk operation to undisplay, retrieve, and delete is available.
For bulk operation, at the left end of the list, click the checkbox for orders you select, and click the Undisplay button above the list.
*The bulk operation function was added and the Undisplay, the Retrieve, and the Delete buttons in each order line were deleted.

Processing is executed page by page when you undisplay and copy multiple orders. If you select 5orders in the first page,
select another 5orders in the second page and click an operation button, only the 5orders in the second page will be operated.

#Select multiple orders#
You can select and release multiple orders using the Shift key.
If you hold down the Sift key and select first line and forth line, 4orders from between first line and forth line are selected.

If you undisplay orders, the orders undisplayed will be moved to the Undisplayed Orders box.
To retrieve orders, select orders and click the Retrieve button.
To delete orders, select orders and click the Delete button in the Undisplayed Orders box.
*You can delete all orders in the Undisplayed Orders list. Click the Delete all hidden data button.

If you click the “** order(s) selected” link above the item list or the Display Selected button in the header line,
only the selected orders will be displayed.
If you use the Display Selected button, all the selected orders in a page.
If you click the Display Selected button again, all orders will be displayed.

#Multiple Selection#
▼Selection is held
・if you move to another page using the page link such as “first page” and “next page”,
・if you narrow down orders using the Order Search box, and
・if you go to edit page from the Order Details page and return to the order list page
clicking the Return to Order List link.

▼Selection is released
・if you click the Cancel Settings button, and
・if you move to another page not using the page link (such as using the Back button on the browser).

▼Icons in the email management.
In the email management, checkboxes were changed to icons.
If you click the icons, the status changed to “Done”

▼Payment methods and desired delivery time were added.
Payment method and desired delivery date and time (if appointed) are displayed in the order list.

If multiple delivery times are appointed, only a delivery date and time is displayed. To see the other details,
click the Other specified dates link.

If you do not allow purchasers to appoint either the delivery date and the delivery time,
the Delivery Date column is undisplayed.

▼See Details button was changed to an icon
The operation buttons were changed to icons to use pages effectively.
*The bulk operation function was added and the Undisplay, the Retrieve, and the Delete buttons
in each order line were deleted.

Close [Existing Items] and [Prerelease Items] setting pages ware improved Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 01 February 2010 / Time: 19:46 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #106 URL

The followings are improved in
[Shop Manager] > [Commodity Control] > [Existing Items] and
[Shop Manager] > [Commodity Control] > [Prerelease Items]

▼Thumbnail images
Thumbnail images are displayed in the item lists.

▼Operation icons
The operation button were changed to icons to use pages effectively.
*The bulk operation function was added and the Undisplay, the Retrieve, the Delete and the Release buttons were deleted.

▼The bulk operation to undisplay, copy, retrieve, delete and display is available.
For bulk operation, at the left end of the list, click the checkbox for items you select, and click the operation button in the Operation box at the right end.

Processing is executed page by page when you undisplay and copy multiple items. If you select 5items in the first page, select another 5items in the second page and click an operation button, only the 5items in the second page will be operated.

<Select multiple items>
You can select and release multiple items using the Shift key.
If you hold down the Sift key and select first line and forth line, 4items from between first line and forth line are selected.

If you undisplay items, the items undisplayed will be moved to the Undisplayed Items box.
To retrieve items, select items and click the Retrieve button.
*The items retrieved will appear at the button of each category.
To delete items, select items and click the Delete button in the Undisplayed Item box..
*You can delete all items in the Undisplayed Item list. Click the Delete all hidden data button.

If you copy items, the items copied will be displayed just under the original item.
The copy icon will appear at the right of the check column. This copy icon will be deleted after the copied item is edited.
If you click “Copy” in the header line, only the items with the copy icon will be displayed. If you click “Copy” again, all the items will be displayed.

If you click the “** item(s) selected” link above the item list or the Display Selected button in the header line, only the selected items will be displayed.
If you use the Display Selected button, all the selected items in a page.
* You can, however, copy up to 50items at a time.
If you click the Display Selected button again, all items will be displayed.

If you copy the items which can be purchased in the shopping page, the item copied will be added in the shopping page for purchase. When you copy items, you can close your shopping site temporarily changing the shop status in [Design Control] > [Shop Status] > “Select Shop Status”.

<Multiple Selection>
▼Selection is held
・if you move to another page using the page link such as “first page” and “next page”,
・if you narrow down items using the Refine Items box,
・if you go to edit page clicking the Change Entry and the Based on This Item buttons and return to the item list page clicking the Return to Item List link, and
・if you change the display order clicking the Up and the Down buttons.

▼Selection is released
・if you click the Cancel Settings button, and
・if you move to another page not using the page link (such as using the Back button on the browser.

▼Change Entry button was added in the Undisplayed Items box.
You can edit the item information of the items in the Undisplayed Items box.

Close [Item Ranking], [New Items] and [Recommendations] setting pages were improved Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 01 February 2010 / Time: 19:45 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #105 URL

Thumbnail images are displayed in the item lists in the following pages.

[Shop Manager] > [Content/Page Control] > [Item Ranking]
[Shop Manager] > [Content/Page Control] > [New Items]
[Shop Manager] > [Content/Page Control] > [Recommendations]

Close Discount can be set for non-members Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 21 January 2010 / Time: 15:25 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #104 URL

You can set discount rates for non-members now, like other groups.

To use this function, select See at a **% discount and enter discount rate
in [Basic Settings] > [Membership Settings].
* For categories, use Settings for Member Groups page in the Category Control,
and for items, use Set Member Restriction box in the item registration page.

* If you "Apply" this overall discount setting, the discount settings
in the Membership Settings and item registration pages are automatically cancelled.
For the items whose prices are undisplayed, the words, Member Price is displayed.

Close Overall discount setting is available now Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 21 January 2010 / Time: 15:24 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #103 URL

You can set discount for all items and customers now, though a discount rate was
set to each member group, each category and each item.

To use this function, go to [Basic Settings] > [Overall Discount Setting].

* If you "Apply" this overall discount setting, the discount settings
in the Membership Settings and item registration pages are automatically cancelled.
For the items whose prices are undisplayed, both discount settings are not applied.

Close Page size Contributor: Makamasa / Date: 18 December 2009 / Time: 11:29 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #101 URL

I noticed when I am using a 1280x800 resolution, there is a wide space on both sides of the page. How can I adjust the size of the page to fit on every resolution?

Re Page size Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 25 December 2009 / Time: 10:38 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #102 URL

We apologize for this belated reply.

Unfortunately, our service does not fit a widescreen, and you cannot adjust the page size.

Close Tax display in item information page came to be selected Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 02 December 2009 / Time: 10:05 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #100 URL

You can select if you display “Tax inclusive”, “Tax exclusive” or nothing in item information pages.
You can also select if you display descriptions about tax in the Shopping Guide page.

Close Message came to be displayed in the sign-in page Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 02 December 2009 / Time: 10:04 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #99 URL

If you select “Do not allow access” for non-members in the member restriction settings,
you can display your original message in the sign-in page now.

Enter your message in “Free Space for Sign-in Page” in [Shop Manager] > [Basic Settings]
> [Member Restriction Settings].
* The message entered here will be displayed only if you select “Do not allow access” for non-members.

Close Special Terms of Return Policy was added Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 16 November 2009 / Time: 18:51 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #98 URL

We add the Special Terms of Return Policy is added in the Terms & Conditions page.

If you make an entry in the Special Terms of Return Policy box in [Basic Settings] >
[Terms & Conditions], it appears as follows.

(Shopping Cart)
Whole text appears above the Purchase button at STEP 4.

(Item Information Page)
A text link appears above the Add to Cart button
and the whole text will appear after clicking the link.

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* Image must be 500kb or less and in .jpg, .png, or .gif format.
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