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Q.Why did the HTML I entered break my page layout?

Views: 1,923

When entering HTML in customizable boxes, it is possible for errors in the HTML to affect the layout of the whole page. The most likely errors include:

Missing angle brackets or quotation marks

If the characters > or " are missing, they may break the page layout:

Missing angle bracket:

<a href="http://demo.ocnk.net/"

In the above example, the character > is missing.

Missing quotation mark:

<a href="http://example.ocnk.net/>

In this example, the second " character is missing.

Both of these errors should be corrected to the following:

<a href="http://example.ocnk.net/">

Missing end tags

The page layout may also be broken if an ending tag is missing or not typed properly.


This code is missing the </table> end tag, so it treats the entire rest of the page as part of the table.


In this code, the ending </table> tag is mistyped as <table>.

For both of the above, the correct code is:

Last update: 22 Dec 2017 11:31