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Q.What are hit counts and page views?

Views: 5,536

Hit count is the number of separate visits to your website, whereas page views are the number of times any page on your website is loaded. For example, if someone visits your website and loads six pages, this counts as one hit and six page views.

When a customer opens a page on your website, they are assigned a session ID. A session ID counts for one hit. The session expires when no pages on your website are accessed for 120 minutes. For example, if someone loads a page at 10:00, and then loads another page at 11:00, this will count as two separate hits. However, if someone loads a page at 10:00, loads another page at 10:30, and then loads another page at 11:00, this will count as one hit.

When using separate access analytics software, there may be differences in hit count and page view numbers. This is because of differences in how analytics software interprets data. Separate analytics software will often give lower numbers because they do not count data from search engine crawlers, which may significantly increase both page views and hit count

Last update: 08 Apr 2019 13:49